Thursday, February 19, 2009

A simple way to time a small bits of Python code

A simple way to time a small bits of Python code is by using the time module. Please look at the example below.
>>> from time import time, sleep
>>> def f(x):
Does nothing. Sleep for x seconds.

>>> time1 = time(); f(5); print('Run in {0:f} seconds.'

Run in 5.000000 seconds.

Code break down:

In the above example, we want to measure how long will the function f() run.
  1. Import the time module.
    from time import time, sleep

  2. Get the current time.
    time1 = time()

  3. Run the function, get the current time, print the time elapsed.
    print('Run in {0:f} seconds.'.format(time()-time1))