Friday, December 19, 2008

Ubuntu: Make Pidgin run at startup

We can have Pidgin to run at startup in Ubuntu using the Sessions Preferences tool.

Click System > Preferences > Sessions.

Under the "Startup Programs" tab, click Add.

Type Pidgin in the Name text box, and pidgin in the Command text box.

From now on, Pidgin will start automatically.


  1. la ko pakai ubuntu eh.
    aku takut la nak tukar from windows. hehe :)

    <abbr>KNizams last blog post..Quote Of The Day ! Semua Pasal Penswastaan IJN…</abbr>

  2. @KNizam: Tak perlu tukar. Boleh buat dual boot (Ubuntu buat partition automatik) atau install dalam Windows partition guna Wubi (kalau tak suka boleh add/remove menggunakan Control Panel dalam Windows).
