Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How to use multiple windows in Vim

This article provides some tips on how to use multiple windows in Vim.

Start Vim with n multiple windows

  1. n verticals windows.
    vim -On filenames
  2. n horizontal windows.
    vim -on filenames
Note: n is the number of windows.

Close a window

  1. Close the current window.
    Ctrl+W c
  2. Close the current window. If it is the only window left, quit Vim.
    Ctrl+W q

Split a window

  1. Split horizontally the current file.
    Ctrl+W s
  2. Split horizontally and open a file.
    :sp filename
  3. Split vertically the current file.
    Ctrl+W v
  4. Split vertically and open a file.
    :vsp filename

Move the cursor between windows

  1. Move to the right window from the current windows.
    Ctrl+W l
  2. Move to the left window from the current windows.
    Ctrl+W h
  3. Move to the top window from the current windows.
    Ctrl+W k
  4. Move to the bottom window from the current windows.
    Ctrl+W j
  5. Move to the next window below the current one. If no below window exist, move to the top window.
    Ctrl+W w

Rotate windows location

  1. Move the current window to the right.
    Ctrl+W L
  2. Move the current window to the left.
    Ctrl+W H
  3. Move the current window to the top.
    Ctrl+W K
  4. Move the current window to the bottom.
    Ctrl+W J

Window resizing

Resizing windows can be made by using the mouse as well as the following commands.
  1. Make all windows equal in height.
    Ctrl+W =
  2. Increase height.
    Ctrl+W +
  3. Decrease height.
    Ctrl+W -
Note: Thanks to Ferd T-H, resizing could also be done by using
Ctrl+W < or >


I hope that these commands are enough for you to start using windows in Vim. However, if you know some good command(s) to please don’t hesitate to leave a comment.