Showing posts with label displaymath environment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label displaymath environment. Show all posts

Thursday, May 14, 2009

4 ways to framed displayed formulas in LaTeX

This article will show on how to display formulas (mathematics equations) inside a box or frame.

Using fbox and parbox

The formula will be framed. Must declare the width of the frame.
\fbox {
    \parbox{5cm} {
     \oint\limits_C V,d\tau =
     \oint\limits_\Sigma \nabla \times V,d\sigma

Using fbox and minipage

The formula will be framed. Must declare the width of the frame.
\fbox {
     \oint\limits_C V,d\tau =
     \oint\limits_\Sigma \nabla \times V,d\sigma

Using equation environment and fbox

The formula will be centred, framed and numbered.
\fbox {
    $ \displaystyle \oint\limits_C V,d\tau =
     \oint\limits_\Sigma \nabla \times V,d\sigma $

Using displaymath enviroment and fbox

The formula will be centred, framed and unnumbered.
\fbox {
    $ \displaystyle \oint\limits_C V,d\tau =
    \oint\limits_\Sigma \nabla \times V,d\sigma $