Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How to use multiple windows in Vim

This article provides some tips on how to use multiple windows in Vim.

Start Vim with n multiple windows

  1. n verticals windows.
    vim -On filenames
  2. n horizontal windows.
    vim -on filenames
Note: n is the number of windows.

Close a window

  1. Close the current window.
    Ctrl+W c
  2. Close the current window. If it is the only window left, quit Vim.
    Ctrl+W q

Split a window

  1. Split horizontally the current file.
    Ctrl+W s
  2. Split horizontally and open a file.
    :sp filename
  3. Split vertically the current file.
    Ctrl+W v
  4. Split vertically and open a file.
    :vsp filename

Move the cursor between windows

  1. Move to the right window from the current windows.
    Ctrl+W l
  2. Move to the left window from the current windows.
    Ctrl+W h
  3. Move to the top window from the current windows.
    Ctrl+W k
  4. Move to the bottom window from the current windows.
    Ctrl+W j
  5. Move to the next window below the current one. If no below window exist, move to the top window.
    Ctrl+W w

Rotate windows location

  1. Move the current window to the right.
    Ctrl+W L
  2. Move the current window to the left.
    Ctrl+W H
  3. Move the current window to the top.
    Ctrl+W K
  4. Move the current window to the bottom.
    Ctrl+W J

Window resizing

Resizing windows can be made by using the mouse as well as the following commands.
  1. Make all windows equal in height.
    Ctrl+W =
  2. Increase height.
    Ctrl+W +
  3. Decrease height.
    Ctrl+W -
Note: Thanks to Ferd T-H, resizing could also be done by using
Ctrl+W < or >


I hope that these commands are enough for you to start using windows in Vim. However, if you know some good command(s) to please don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

7 Habits For Effective Text Editing 2.0 video

Tips on using Vim effectively by the main author of Vim, Bram Moolenaar, who writes the core Vim functionality.

Python interactive help mode

Python provides an interactive help mode inside the interactive Python interpreter.

This tutorial provides some basic on how to use the help mode.

Enter the help mode

To use it, start the Python interpreter (or, IDLE), and then type help() and press Enter to start the interactive help mode.

Quit the help mode

To exit the help mode, type quit and press Enter.

List of Python keywords

To get a list of available keywords in Python, type keywords and press Enter.

To get help on certain keyword just type the keyword and press enter.

List of available modules

To get a list of available modules in Python, type module and press Enter.

To get help on certain module just type the module name and press enter.

List of available topics

The topics command gives a list of topics regarding Python programming language.

To get a list of available topics, type topics and press Enter.

To get help on certain topic, just type the topic name and press enter.

Friday, July 10, 2009

WordPress: Display only on first page

This code will enable you to display items such as text or image only on the first page of the homepage or archive.

It can be use in index.php, category.php or archive.php.

What you need is the $page WordPress variable. 1 for the first page of results, 2 for the second page, etc.

To use it, put the code inside The Loop.
<?php if ( $paged < 2 ) { ?>

Your text or image for the first page goes here!

<?php } else { ?>

WordPress 2.8.1 is avalaible for download

According to the WordPress blog, WordPress 2.8.1 is now ready for download. Version 2.8.1 includes updates and security patches for version 2.8 bugs. One of the most important update is the reduce of memory usage of the Dashboard.

Click here to download the latest WordPress release.

Friday, July 3, 2009

How to disable Flickr automatic updates in Nokia 5800

Nokia 5800 supports Flickr services via its Share Online feature. It can even updates the Flickr photos automatically. The bad thing is that this feature is turned on by default when you enable the Flickr service. The default setting is it will update to Flickr every 6 hours, and it will consumes for about 600kb of data transfer. This feature is bad for users that do not subscribe to the unlimited data plan.

How to turn the automatic update feature off?

  1. Press the XpressMusic button.

  2. Select Settings (The bottom third right most icon).

  3. Select Advance.

  4. Disable Use cellular. Disable Use cellular will disallow the phone to use mobile network to connect to Flickr.

  5. Disable Roaming. The phone will not update Flickr outside when you are overseas.

  6. Select Download interval option to Manual.

Count the number of occurences using Counter() in Python

Counter is an object of collections module, and it is a dict subclass for counting hashable objects, in Python 3.

To count the number of elements occurrences in a list

>>> from collections import Counter
>>> z = ['blue', 'red', 'blue', 'yellow', 'blue', 'red']
>>> Counter(z)
Counter({'blue': 3, 'red': 2, 'yellow': 1})

Count the number of alphabet occurrences in a text

>>> from collections import Counter
>>> Counter("This is a test")
Counter({' ': 3, 's': 3, 'i': 2, 't': 2, 'a': 1, 'e': 1, 'h': 1, 'T': 1})

To find the n most common words in a text

n is the number of most common words to find
For more information, read The Python Standard Library